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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I almost feel bad for the poor fictional character.

*is curious about what happened with your 'Christmas experience*
Getting ready for a fancy family party thing. Aunt who I haven't seen in like a million years come into the room, and hugs me, I didn't recognize her, I hit her with the brush as hard as I could. Did you know how sharp those little pointy things can be when you swing it at someone? Yeah... she doesn't like me much anymore.....
What sharp pointing things?



What's with you and getting ready for formal events that makes you mad?
The things.... the things that stick out of the brush, that go through your hair..... it was one of the brushes that had slightly sharper ones.

I don't know, but I'm seeing a pattern here. I almost always injure myself, and occasionally somebody else. Right before my graduation I set my damn hair on fire. Just.... if we ever go out somewhere nice on the road trip, keep your distance while we're all getting ready.
*nods like I know what you're talking about*

Alright, I'll keep that in mind.

Why would we be doing anything formal on the road trip, though? Not like we're randomly going to have/go to a ball or something.
....It's us. We'll find something random, I'm sure. I can see us doing that.
*doesn't really*

I, hereby, refuse to do anything formal.
*dislikes formal events*
I just don't enjoy getting ready for formal events. I always burn myself/set something on fire/hit somebody/hit myself/give myself a black eye/accidentally stick a safety pin in my ear, and shove an earring through my dress into my chest.....

I think those are all the ones you've heard of already. I'm pretty sure I still have more, though....

That almost sounds like a challenge. Surely you don't dislike all formal events?
Megan - I don't have problem with getting ready, I just make it in a mad dash running out at the last second. xD

Flying - Possibly not, but I have yet to be to even a semi-formal even that wasn't. . .torturous. So. . . *isn't a fan of formal events*

It's not a challenge. *felt need to make that clear*
*wouldn't challenge you guys to something like that*
*isn't sure how/what you'd do to win, though*
Get you to enjoy a formal event?
How/what we'd do to win? Drag you to a formal event, of course. *doesn't actually like them all that much* *is going to humor the idea anyway*

There's several of us, we'll just force you to get all dressed up and drag you along with us.


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