Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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But it's stalking with love XD

*either knows a Shannon or a Sharon* *can't remember which*
Well it is good to be loved.
Well, I like ya'll so as long as you don't attack me or scare me I wont call the cops.
XD Very nice name.
It seems fitting for some reason.
I know Shannon fits me better than LaDair or Estell.
Shannon's a nice name. :)

Mom always made me paranoid about creepy old men who would stalk me on the internet, too. XD Some of you guys might know this from the revealing of newbiness on MX many many pages back or my fb page, but my name's Chelsea.
Emma is a cute name.
*waves shyly*

My name is Katherine.

Fucked off for tea. Apologies.
I always feel left out in these conversations. >.>

Megan. No shit, eh? But I answer to Fishy IRL...
I answer to Nathan.
I was in Walmart in the pet aisle, and some little kid was yelling about the "fishy" and I kinda turned around, and walked three aisles over to see what somebody wanted with me. >.>


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