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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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A jet fell on our car. This casued an explosion, though it wasn't nearly as big as it would have been in real life... I think the damage only had an approximate ten-foot radius. :\ It didn't make any sense at all.

That's intense!
It was also scary. It switched to where I was looking at the scene from above. There was a ton of blood, a big black circle of ash where it hit, and no wreckage at all. The jet and our car had both just disappeared, and there was just two bodies and a whole lot of blood with FBI and cops walking around with caution tape everywhere.
Running very, very late...
Rereading that damned Winged4Shadow fic. ._.
Going to school. >.> I hate my sister.
Completely annoyed that when I say I'm tired or I don't feel well, too damn bad. Go to school.

But when everyone else says it...

Even when I am actually sick! My little sister who is "sick" is running around the house arguing and with everyone. My brother and sister just lied and did they have to go to school? No. Are they going to get nagged at? Probably not.

Bias parents suck.

On another hand, today if FINALLY snowed! -Is so, so, so happy- Only then it melted. So now it's not so great. But because I'm weird I took pictures and once I get home (I'm at the library) I'm going to post them.
Younger siblings are great for that ._. I had school on my birthday one year in grade school, was sick, and asked to stay home.

My younger brother, in first grade at the time, decided he was also sick.
>.> Some of them aren't even that young. The youngest is second grade, the oldest one is sixteen, two years older than me.

XD He's using your examples.
Sixteen? He's a kid in high school >.> So my guess for him would be "fuck school today *ditch*" Although there are far better ways to do it than making your parents call you in sick.

Mm, not really -- I was legitimately sick, he was being his typical annoyingly attention-whoreish self :\
Pish, my brother does skip, but then he gets in trouble (yet he tells me off for skipping...) and really all he wanted to do was sleep in. He was awake till three last night. >.>

My parents don't call in sick, they just go, "Meh, screw it." There's a reason why my attendance is so sketchy. (Asides from the occasional skip.)

XD Nice brother.
Evidently he's not truly awesome. The awesome go to bed at three, then get up at whatever time they normally do. Apparently, thanks to RC, I must've pulled this off at least once last school year.

He's terrific. And as he's an actor, he is the reason I will never be able to be a theatre kid. One is enough, and they're fuckoff annoying ._.


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