Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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We think he has congenital syphilis.
I'm pretty much male-apathetic, really...Meh.
You know...there is both a Taylor and Pattz action figure. My friends and I found them in a music store. I died laughing. ^.^
They have one of Alice.
I commented how she looked pregnant. *she did, not even kidding*
EW! And one of Stewart... *gags*
The most hilariously geeky thing I saw in NYC was a shelf full of Terminator action figures.

I shit you not.
*geeks out* HOLY COW!
*wants one now* ;D
Ah Carlisle... You should have seen my mom's reaction when he came on screen. She doubled over and said "Oh, God..." And she was sitting next to her husband in the movie theater.

But yeah, all of the music is in there.
Yeah. My mom who head-banged for three hours straight at a Metallica concert, even though she has a slipped disk in her neck. She's awesome. ^-^
I wonder if muse actually realizes how terrible the movies are... or if they care for that matter. XD
Probably haven't seen it...
Maybe they all sit and read bits of it to eachother...xD
*squeals* Do the voices! Do the voices!


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