Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*looks around innocently*
Because I totally never did that.

Of course, Lamp. Completely innocent.

The whole making friends with people you don't know over the internet thing is completely not allowed as well.

I'm not even supposed to be on forums.
*is utterly innocent of that as well* *hasn't been breaking that for. . . .8? years now*

You don't know my last name, I don't think, Flying.
*is more innocent in that respect than one would think*
I'm allowed to be on the forums, just not make friends or talk to any of the people there.

And no, I don't. And as far as I know, you don't know mine either.
*is rather innocent of that* *has only broken it... once*
*only broke it. . . . three times*
Once was after I knew where the guy lived, his parents names, his full name, his school, etc, etc, etc.
-Basically is allowed to do anything on the interent within reason, and for some reason telling people my real name and handing out other information is okay-


My brother had been doing it since seventh grade, the same goes for my sister. I'm only did this, this year. >.> My mother can't really stop us. Trust me, she's tried.
Its way fine. I remember you know.xD Sweet, hey!
Bye Throne!
Bye Throne.
*wasn't really here much*

Bye anyway!
Poking at NaNo for the first time in a few, uh, days XD


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