[11:20] Megan ******: Oh, you read those?
[11:20] Taylor *******: yaaa. did u?
[11:21] Megan ******: Long time ago…
[11:21] Taylor *******: isn’t fang so hott???
[11:21] Megan ******: Uh… no?
[11:21] Taylor *******: OMFG!!!!!
[11:22] Megan ******: Yeah, I get that response a lot.
[11:22] Taylor *******: do u like iggy or sumthign then?
[11:22] Megan ******: Nah.
[11:23] Taylor *******: OMG! who do u leik thenn?
[11:23] Megan ******: Uh, nobody? Not that some of the pairings aren’t awesome.
[11:25] Taylor *******: oh u mean like max and fang? they r cute yeah…
[11:25] Megan ******: Nah, I’m not into Fax… I more meant Figgy, or Jeb/Roland.
[11:25] Taylor *******: what r thosee?
[11:26] Megan ******: Fax is FangxMax, Figgy is FangxIggy, and Jeb/Roland is obvious.
[11:27] Taylor *******: whattt!!!! whos roland? iggy and fang rnt gay btw.
[11:27] Megan ******: ter Borcht?
[11:28] Megan ******: Oh, and yes, Fang is bi, Iggy is gay.
[11:28] Taylor *******: EW HIM!!! And no they ARENT!
[11:29] Megan ******: ...Read any good fic yet?
[11:30] Taylor *******: fic?
[11:30] Megan ******: FanFiction.
[11:31] Taylor *******: wats that?
[11:31] Megan ******: ….Nevermind. Oh, and don’t go to the website in the back of the book. You won’t like it. Trust me.
[11:31] Taylor *******: oh ok thx.
*BOL* Nice. I've had convos like that too... Oh and I told some freshman in my spanish class that I killed Fang in my fic. She was all "WTF?!? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"
Well, apparently I'm not allowed to use the computer for anything other than homework for the rest of the day. Talk to you guys either later tonight or tomorrow night. :(