Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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So, that's what we internet people call "spam," usually.

Depends on the instance. Sometimes when they annoy me, I'll use a pet name instead of an expletive. Gets the point across better. Sometimes because I just luffle them so much. And sometimes because it just gives my post a ring to it, and it's a nice change from just using everyone's name.
Combination of you annoying me, and it making my post sound better. You have to earn your luffles!
Luffle.... technically, it's like a combination of huggle and love, but we really just use it as a synonym for love. You'd have to urbandictionary it, though.
No... what?
Ice cream :D
Um... Yes. I think you replied to the wrong post.
No. She just goes off on these random rants saying no to everybody.
Whoa. Dude. You.... you typed everything right! And you capitalized and everything! *tackles to floor*
Because I'm a spaz and I got all excited?
Because you typed properly!
I like it when you type properly. There are plenty of reasons to. Makes you sound intelligent, makes people take you seriously, gets you ready for the 'real world,' improves your grammar/spelling/wpm, it's easier on everyone you're talking to.
....And I'm a fourteen year old girl. I've been typing by touch, just fine, since I was..... six? Minus a slight chatspeak phase between 11 and 12....


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