So everybody comes online as soon as I leave? >.<' XD
About my day (which hasn't even started yet, technically):
We're going to a Mexican resturaunt for lunch today, thanks to my Spanish teacher.
My brother doesn't have to wear uniform for school anymore.
I don't know if my stepdad's going to have a job next week.
It's pouring rain for the second day in a row.
I forgot to put on my combat boots, so I'm gonna get soaked in my Chucks.
My siblings can't go a single day without fighting over some pointless thing.
I bombed my last Chem test.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 12, 2009 at 6:17am
I dunno...
We lost about 30 pages worth of discussion last night.. Twas odd. I think it's the site, it's spazzing at me too. Saying links are broken and what not.