I think I'll be getting off too. The only RL people online are those who are unhappy with me. I'll hopefully see you guys in the morning, if I'm not here that means I also couldn't find time for homework, which isn't good, because it pretty much guarantees very, very bad grades, anymore. Soooo....Goodnight everyone. Have a nice night. Sleep well when you get there. (Or, for you Aussies... um, what time is it over there? Have a nice rest of the day?)
*ahem* Sorry about that. Now that I have your attention. Some people (mainly Lamp, especially since she's like the only one who will remember these, but hey) said you wanted to see this. It's just a list of URLs, web history, from MX. This is just a sampling, and it's photoshopped together, so pretend not to notice, okay?
(By the way, my anniversary is November 21, for anyone who cares)
Tentatively planning a possible family trip to the US for Christmas next year. Wondering if anyone has any recommendations, seeing as most of you have much more experience with American tourist destinations than I do.
Permalink Reply by Luna on November 14, 2009 at 4:02am
Being battered by the remnants of Ida. There's a pond/river thing just down the street from me... It looked flooded yesterday, I wonder what it's like now. *hopes my house doesn't flood >.<*
School is closed today..for obvious reasons, and now I have nothing to do except be angry at my little sister. I swear she needs to get a new personality, her's in broken beyond repair.
Permalink Reply by Luna on November 14, 2009 at 4:17am
Me too. My dad is up north in Baltimore so he's probably ok. It's my friends down near the beach that I'm worried about. *headdesk*
The winds have caused a lot of damage already. All the screens on our front porch are blown out. *pauses to listen to a giant gust of wind* One of our door's safety glass is shattered. Our fence seperating our yard from the neighbors is blown over. (It's crushing my favorite tree. *sob*) And last (I think), our little light post is blown over.