Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Oh wow, that's... just... awfully pleasant.

I know what to defend myself with now.
Any object you can grab will do.

Medical history. Because no, I didn't really need to ever eat again x.x
>.> I have a stomach of iron, no matter what I see I can always eat and not feel the need to throw up or loose my appetite in general.

Someone people might call this being gluttonous but I call it being special. :D
I did extensive research for an mpreg fic, have read very disturbing articles on the Republic of Congo, and am currently researching for a WWII fic.


I can't do that. The pictures freak me out. I was scared of my grade eight Social Studies textbook for the creepy pictures. And somehow after I was still hungry.
I skipped out on the really gory pictures. The words are enough.
-Shudders- Those are creepy. Very, very, creepy. The textbook went into gory detail of what the prisoners at POW camps looked like after words.

Oh god, the videos...

See, this is why I don't like the history channel.
My great-grandfather was, according to one of the stories I heard, involved in the liberation of some of the camps.

>.> WWII in HD is part of my plans for the upcoming week.
That's cool. My family has nothing of great interest. Except for being tormented by the Japanese. But everyone was in China.

I salute you and hope you don't cover your eyes from the, uh, pictures.
He was an agricultural scientist of some sort >.> We may be German (mostly, anyway), but the entire family on both sides was in the States by the 1880s.

It's in color and narrated by cool people. And I'll be watching it around 1 in the morning. I'll make it.
Yeah, kid near me got stabbed to death with a ballpoint pen....

Best murder weapon ever: Ice.

For stab wounds, use icicles. The evidence melts.

Blunt force trauma, put water balloons in the freezer, and cut off the latex. Drop them on somebody's head off a high building, preferably in the middle of the night, and counting on the sprinklers coming on early in the morning to melt the evidence.
O.o Note to self: Don't piss anyone off here.

I may not live to see another day.


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