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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Maybe he's not stalking you anymore? XD
XD I can hope. I can't imagine one would stalk me for too long. I'm terribly boring, I don't know why he.... started? in the first place.
*is still texting him*
Calm down.

Is it a nice car?

He's probably not stalking you. You needn't listen to your friends about everything.

You're probably right...
What type of car?
I couldn't tell. :(
*appear* okay so I lied I got stuck on goddamn Lileks

Posted next chapter of detective fic. Rather excited, because our next chapter is kind of a bridge into the next half of the story, which takes place in... you guessed it, Germany.
“What’d I tell you about dying?”

“Right, right. It’s not optional is it?”

“Nope. Not at all.”

ffffffffff I LOVE THAT, GODDAMN. D'you mind if I use a variation on that at some point? >.>

Cliffhanger is evil, yeah, but it's made up for with some really awesome lines <3

edit: Like this. Goddamn I love this, because yes, I actually talk like this.

"So please try not to get arrested or die or shot."
Shot past that point in RC on a rocket sled, won't hit a similar one for a while yet... and it fits pretty awesome into the NaNo. Yoink! *will credit you*

Yeah. Yay about sums it up, if you wanna put it that way.
If I actually do work this weekend and catch up on the wordcount I'm missing, I'll probably get to use the line sometime this weekend. And it will be magnificent :D

Yes. If any of my friends die, my standing threat is that I will resurrect them -- "so don't die, okay?"

._. Good luck.
Wait, so does this mean it's not me? Not that I'd put it past myself to discover that I'm the killer, because that's something I'd do, but....


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