Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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From eye makeup. No, I said "wearing normal clothing," meaning I'd changed back into my t-shirt and jeans already. Dresses aren't at all normal, at least not for me.
*loves dresses* Does that make me weird?
Depends on who you ask. I dislike them. I have friends who enjoy wearing them, though.
I'm considered the closest thing to a girly-girl my group of friends has besides Aryan and Katie.
You have a friend named Aryan? That's just win.
I'll let her know. She is made of win even if she dates all the wrong guys.
Are there eyelid muscles or something so you can move your eyelid. Or like you could strengthen them?

How much eye makeup do you need to make your eyelids heavy, then?
XD I don't know....

Uh, it's just this kind. The weird loose-powdery-creamy-stuff.
You could have eyelid work outs or something.

Dang, that sounds really odd.
It is... Want to try it? *throws little discs of eye-stuff at you*
Not really.

*catches* *sells to Pearl* *splits cash with Fishy*
*actually has little discs*
*realizes I've been spelling "disk" like an optical media disc*
There's a green one, and a purple one, and a row of black/white/grey ones...


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