Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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According to -12 degrees Celsius which is about, 10 degrees Fahrenheit. :S

I was out moving boxes and crap for a couple hours. Twas very cold.
10 degrees is pretty warm. Well, compared to negative whatever, anyway :C

I used to have to go out and play in -50 weather at recess. (Interestingly enough, both Fahrenheit and Celsius are the same at -50. Huh.)

It's just really cold for here because the rest of the week (with snowing) is only going to be -2 degrees Celsius. (-28 degrees F.) And there's no snow... or any wind.
We had some crazy bad weather for about a week a bit back, so consider yourself fairly lucky.
;_; Sleep is good for you, man.
Something the matter to be interrupting your sleep? *hated sleep when the dreams were occuring regularly*

It's good for you though.
I shall be back. Probably. I'm exhausted, but I dun feel like sleep just yet.
Um... hi... Tally told me to log on :)
Hey, welcome to the forum.
o.o Thanks for the warm welcome!
No problemo.

Nice avatar you got there.
>.> It's Jeb from the manga.


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