Hah, nice. I haven't been able to timezone-coordinate with someone since carino and I used to talk all the time...
I'm very, very used to having to add my last name to spell check. Yes, there are two capital letters, one in the middle of the name. Yes, it's still a real name. Fuck's sake.
AZ confuses the hell out of me. Sometimes you're on Calif. time, sometimes you're not....
Mine does the same. XD
My last name is also wonderful for awkward adults making stupid jokes. >.>
Permalink Reply by Fate on December 21, 2009 at 7:13pm
We're too lazy to change our clocks. We can't be bother with that. "Oh, you're going to school in the dark? Deal with it. We're not changing the clock."
I'm just like, "Ignore Rule." When it points out fragments.
Permalink Reply by Fate on December 21, 2009 at 6:59pm
"Chapter Nine
Classes Come In A Variety of Flavors"
I think it's because I'm tired and a little out of it that, that name came about.
There are approximately a billion chapters of RC where I came up with a title while falling asleep on my keyboard (i.e., five seconds before I posted the damn thing). Anything with egregious punctuation marks, song lyrics, or last-ditch nerdisms... yeah, it was probably one in the morning at the time.
I have since gotten better. Slightly. I'll never live down chapter 20, though... "How Do You Make A Hormone"? Seriously?
That happens to be the setup to one of my favorite jokes, but... Yeah... I did try to keep quality pretty steady, but there were some chapters where it got a little ridiculous. Chapter nine. Anything Metal Gear. What was I thinking? D:
Permalink Reply by Fate on December 21, 2009 at 7:10pm
XD Most of the chapter names are fairly serious with this fic. Not-so much with the murder fic. My favorite was, "Planning, Plotting, Winging it," and also, "He Was Important After All." Because I was too lazy for anything better.