Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I got the alert before you posted the link...

Yeah. Twas great. *really wants to hug Ari now*
That was really fast :D

He's the cutest frickin' thing. And I look forward to writing moar of him.
Eh, only six minutes.

Whoo! Moar Ari!
Yeah... which kind of goes to show how much of a bitch is to me lately. (Well, something's going on -- I don't get pop-up windows from that site, which means I can't view and copy the source code of a chapter [which is how I xpost to LJ], and I can't review. Which is a total bitch.)

This is kind of his mini-plot arc, poor thing. Well, okay, scratch that, so he has a pretty major role, I think.
Trying holding down Ctrl when you hit a link? It's what I have to do.

...I gotta go try that now.

Yeah >.> Before the past few days, I didn't understand why people liked Ari so damn much. And now I get it.
I have to do that with /everything./ It's so annoying.

He's just...I mean he's so cute and so little and it's hard to not like him.
Didn't work D: Fuckin a. Which shows the depths of my fangirly dedication -- anything I bother reviewing lately, I have to review from my phone. Fun fuckin' times.

I... just... :CCCC That poor fucker. I'm now semi-seriously considering at least writing a oneshot where things go a bit differently and he actually gets a family for a while, at least. Albeit kind of a fucky one, with his dad and Roland and Elsa, but hey. Family. He deserves one.
Aw. Damn. D: *giggles* I love how you use fuck as an adjective.

Yeah. It's just so sad. You should. Who cares if it's a screwed up one. Family is family.
I have been repeatedly informed that "fuck" is not a comma. This is correct. It is every part of the English language.

I didn't even know I had maternal instincts :S Yeah... I want to do that now, maybe I'll see what I can do. They'd be kind of a cute messed-up family.
I only use it repeatedly when I'm in pain. At which point it's every other word I use.

Everyone does. Maybe not the best or the most obvious, but they're there. They'd be adorable!
I mostly just punctuate things with "fuck". If I get hurt or something, most likely I'll make no response, except cursing once I've sorted it out.

And it just so happens that mine come to the fore for an adorable five-year-old fictional werewolf. Such is life. God, yes.


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