Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Hai Tally.

Got sleep?

Get more.

I'm such a hypocrite, I do the exact same thing as you. x.x
-Points- PERSON! XD I can't help it... But in my defense I take naps after school when no one is on.

>.> You get that high when you're on teh interwebz.
Hyellooo! I see you
haven't gone quite insane yet
due to our haikus! XD
@nathan - Understandable lol. As a mod, just don't come at me with 'I'll hunt you down if you..." (the way Katy did) and we'll be all good XD

@Patrick - not stupid to be nostalgic. Those were some good times ^-^ I know all about the lack of willpower, hence my still being on TTS >.<.
I'll hunt you down if you ask real nice? >.> I dunno, some people are into that, I guess...

I don't do fuck as a mod, really. 'Cause this site is awesome like that.
If I ask to be hunted down, I fully expect it to happen instantaneously XD However, I'm not all that fond of being threatened like that, empty as it may be, speshully since its entirely hypocritical on Katy's part.

Mhmm, self-regulating sites like this be awesome ^-^
I don't do threats. >.> Not my style.

The last modly thing I did was probably move some threads into the right sections a few months ago.
>.> You also decided to give out god powers for half an hour.

I remember because I got power drunk. XD
Like, in frickin' September XD

Oh, was that you then? >.> I took 'em back 'cause some fucker was deleting posts...
During all the drama.

Maybe... actually I doubt it, mainly because I was mostly lurking at that time.


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