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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm good. I'm at home with my parents for the weekend.
That's very good. Enjoying being home?

Yeah. It's only a two day visit, and I'm not likely to see much of my Dad, but it's good.
It's always nice to go back if you've been away for a while...

When does uni start back for you?
Uni starts back in late February.

We get a long summer! You?
I've got two more weeks >.br />
However, next year, when I start uni I think I have until the start of March ^^
Trying to get a babysitting job.

I really regret not taking that bloody course, but I constantly babysat for my family, what's the difference?

Besides I know what to do when a fire starts now. Asides from screaming and going, "OH MY JESUS."
Well it depends. People kept nagging at me because I used a fire extinguisher, well fuck you. You panic. When you fucking panic you can't think straight. How was I supposed to fucking know that putting a bloody pan over the FLAMES was the thing to do?

Oil fires (the one I had) = FUCKING SCARY SHIZ. You can put a pan over it and try to de-oxygen it out. Or put a large wet towel over it (I tried this, results: I have four scars on my hand, ugly little blisters they were) or you do what I did.

Fire extinguisher!

Other fires - How the hell did they start in the first place?
Oh dear lord. That would be terrifying. Mine started because I left it on the stove.... and it caught on fire...

But it was summer and I got rid of it.

Then my parents did some detective work to figure out how it started. v.v

According to the link through Tally's post, JP released audio versions of the first 6 Fang Chapters.
The person who reads it is a bit weird (I've never liked readers who try to imitate voice pitch), but it's a little deeper. Once you get past the 'misery in Africa' bits in Chapter 4, Chapter 5 is a little interesting, but it's Chapter 6 that you're really looking for.
*giggles* Oh, Gilda Joyce...

That voice is not acceptable for MR. Too...snobbish.

PS- I practically gagged when the "Max" described Fang. xD


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