Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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No offense, but I dislike Rumo. He's kind of nooby and squee-y and . . .. a prat compared to DS. Which I don't mind saying here, now that you've put it as your u/n.

Well, it used to be a home, a place for friends, and I'm sure to some of the newer people it's still that. MR UK got DELETED because they didn't discuss the books, and whatnot. They need the site for advertising, and users need it for a home, or something so they can just get away from it all. As much as I hate MDW, I think part of me would also be mad if it got deleted and the fandom had to move again.

No, a Sane used to be that they liked the books but didn't go squeeing about them declaring their love for the characters every 10 posts and claiming to have seen them fly over their house. The fact that they realie it's not the best thing ever was added in later, and is a newer deal. >.<' This should be explained as well.

>.<' This fandom. . .. I know I can't move. It was my first, and I've been in it since Late Dec '06. It was the first I felt I really belonged in and. . .. you never forget your first. I've moved to other fandoms and whatnot, but. . . it's not the same. Even though MX has been ruined it still seems to have some value. And that's why I stay here and don't move. I'd expect it means something different to everyone. And if you can just pack up and move out that's great, but the same won't hold true for everyone else.
If only Antis 101 hadn't been freaking deleted... Stupid mods...

Even with Antis 101 and Anti Love deleted. Sure it's not what it used to be, and it sucks now. But we all wouldn't be here had it not held some value to us. We all wouldn't have bothered making alters/multiple alters to get around bans if it didn't bloody matter. @ Rumo - Same holds true for you. You wouldn't still be bothering if it didn't hold any value to you. Chances are you have better things to be doing.
This is all true. :/ I have so much crap I should be doing, but I don't care because I have to stay here. Now everyone's all mad at me for being here all the time, but I still can't leave. Here or MDW.

*offers you tea*
I've been hesitant to put it up again, namely since the Antis' change in attittude, but also becaue I have a suspicion that it was part of the Summer Crackdown. *shrug*

You were the one who changed the greeting message to fit the changes to the site. Why don't you put the original in a blog, to keep all of us happy and the original would still be there, but post a newer one. Emphasizing what anti, and sane really mean and link the old version.
We should start another one that has the definitions of all groups, loosely but explaining all why everyone acts the way they do, but with no reason for anyone to get banned or anything to get deleted.

Edit- @Lamp: You beat me by 8 seconds. XD
Nighthawk - I don't think EndOf would get banned for a civil thread. So long as no one started fighting on it. I don't believe we should completely censor everything just because there's a possibility someone might disagree/get banned. Because when we started doing that, our important posts ended up losing the touch of the raw emotion behind them. And that too, helps make the point.

*missed your edit*
That's twice in one week I've beaten someone! This is a new record!
@ Nighthawk:
Let's do it.
*sends out PM to everyone*
With me or Rumo?
That's how I used to feel all the time because I wasn't here when it was the original MX. I only joined about a year ago, like two weeks after Max came out.


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