Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Sorry, I missed your edit.

XD Don't worry too much.
Oh, I haven't even looked into that in ages. How're they all doing? I wish I could talk to some of them.
XD I'm not surprised.

I hope it stays dead, though, in a way.
-Doesn't think so-

You'd prefer it being peaceful rather than dramatic and war like. That's completely understandable. September wasn't exactly a high point in my life.

But I do miss way back when, when at this time there was tons of activity and there were debates and such.
I was more of a lurker. I posted a bit here and there.

But I did miss out on a lot of fun in early January and February. My laptop died in March so I missed the first wave of Mod drama.

I regret it too.
I thought you'd gotten banned, honestly.

*imagines you in that mod drama*
You would've been banned, I think. But it probably would've been epic and with a fight.
They were actually more careful with bans in that lot of mod drama. Quite a lot of people who argued against them remained unbanned...

I can just see her spamming with swears when she really got pissed, though.

I can see that too actually.
XD No offense, of course, Xuut.
Psh, Xuut knows we mean it in the nicest way possible.


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