Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I really need a cleaner mind...

*isn't going to anger you*
*would probably need to grow 1/2 a foot and put on 50lbs or so before doing so without threat of getting thrown* *would be happy if I got to grow that tall ^^*

How'd you figure that out? Randomly go trying to throw 6' guys?

Edit - *laughs at Flying* It was the handcuffs, right? That got me too. . . .
*sobs* No fair! You cheat! People don't eat trees! You must be a beaver! Only BEAVERS eat trees! Well... actually they don't eat trees, but same difference!!
It's okay Flying, the moment I read your post I knew exactly what you were talking about, I just chose not to comment on any of them. XD
Lamp- I agree, don't anger me. *never said he threw him very far* xD
More or less, he asked if I could throw him, so I tried.
Luna- I never said I was a human, I'm a demon from hell. >.>
@Lamp: Yeah... handcuffing people in the Field Of Love...

@Fishy: Mm... Not commenting was probably smart.
Please don't throw me. I'm like half that guy's size, I'd be, like, flying. As in, through the air, not Flying, flying....

Edit, @Flying - Lamp's comment on what I said about having handcuffs is what made me think of that, actually. XD
Mmmmff... You're still a cheater. Demon beaver from hell or not. ^.^

Edit: Can we PLEASE move this conversation?
XD Nice. That's pretty. . . ridiculous. . . . I'm not going to get in a fight with you. . . . that'd be a very bad idea.

@ Flying - XD

@Megan - XD Really? We all need cleaner minds, then. You started it, though. . .
Megan- Well don't try to drag me, or handcuff me to any tree, especially on of love and you won't have to worry about it.
Luna- I'm fine with that, I will not be handcuffed to any tree of love. >.>
Lamp- Actually, you would win. >.>
^.^ Okey dokey. No more trees in the Field of Love.
*skips off to conspire against Pyro*
*curious* Fishy, how big/ small are you?


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