Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm sure you didn't fail.

And it's really amazing that you got in, and got such an honour. And even if you did do a little badly that doesn't mean you should get depressed. Just practice more. AND you can take pride in the fact that you weren't tired. :D

-Offers cake for doing so amazingly-
-accepts cake...wait, the cake is a lie! Oh noes!-

Yeah, I did fine. I just have ridiculously high expectations of myself and I'm not used to other people actually SHARING those kinds of expectations...

But it's actually pretty awesome to be in a band where everyone is really trying and is really good, too.
FANG is out in NZ bookstores. Gave it a skim-read.


I wouldn't buy it. But it was worth that skim read.

So NZ beat everyone?!

Totally unfair. Oh goodie, a book I shan't waste my money on.

I still need to get rid of W&W... maybe I'll let my rabbit piss on it...
Let your rabbit piss on it.


...for some reason skim read made me think of skim milk. Now I have a bad taste in my mouth. Thanks a lot.
Skim milk is awesome. It's soy milk that's gross. And also all we have in my damned house. >.<'
I hate skim milk ;_; It's unfortunate that my parents won't let me get whole milk, that shit's good.

Soy milk was okay. More or less. Real milk is awesome.
I hate skim milk.... Unfortunately it's suddenly become prohibited to have any food product in this house that isn't
a) soy
b) cardboard-flavored, or
c) sugar free

Eh. I hate soy milk. A lot. I hate whole milk....
Ew. And I hear you :\ I'm... kind of supposed to be on a diet to gain some weight 'cause I'm so skinny, but that's damn hard when I like sleep too much to eat breakfast and my mom is on a similarly half-assy diet to lose weight / eat healthier in general. (And if you got all of that I'll bake you cookies. Fucking run-on.)

Whole milk is delicious <3 *loves it* Then again I hardly ever drink milk -- I just put it in my coffee / tea.
Hey, be glad you're allowed to gain some of those cookies you baked me yourself!

(blegh, there's like, no food in my house. Seriously...I have to cook my own meals and I've had spaghetti for the past two weeks. THERES NOTHING ELSE TO EAT FOR A VEGETARIAN)
I glory in it \o/ Which is maybe a little weird, but I adore being able to eat whatever the hell I want. It's fantabulous.


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