Permalink Reply by Sora on February 6, 2010 at 1:50pm
Talleh was! She just said you were giving her a free copy...nothing about when it was getting published.
I actually finished, amazingly...probably because I let up on MR use during that month. I have to finish the robot story before editing begins...I have a feeling this one's going to be easier than my first novel, though, because
a) I actually know more about how to write a book, this being my second one...
b) I planned out the plot this time!
c) Most of it's just rambling anyway (it's a series of blog posts meant to be extremely sarcastic), which is meant to be random so it won't require much editing.
I don't remember mentioning that... signed copy fuck yeah though.
The novel I wanna finish from NaNo was fun as hell, but man... I got distracted from it, really. If I tried I could finish it.
The novel I want to publish... is a different kettle of fish. Being that I need to plot it out more and I suspect it'll be a horrible epic-length science fiction thing once it's properly put paid to.
Permalink Reply by Sora on February 6, 2010 at 2:27pm
*shrugs* Take it up with them...
Yeah, mine was more of an experiment that my friends are begging me to have copies of now. They like it more than I do, honestly.
If ANYTHING you write could be called horrible, then we'll have to invent some new words to describe others' writing.
Permalink Reply by Sora on February 6, 2010 at 1:29pm
*huggles* I'm sorry...lost both of mine, so I know how it feels. Were you close to him?