Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Symbols, I LUV EDDIE, I LUV JAKE, ROBS AWESOME, numbers, and their name with numbers, symbols and numbers, their name in symbols, their name with symbols, random letters, etc. etc.
Aren't they just little geniuses in the making?


Maybe they can see your IP address.
They cannot see your IP address. >.>
How else do you explain it?
Mod intuition? Which is a total crock of shit, by the way.

"User with strange name, makes one post... hmm, might be an anti! Fuck waiting for more evidence *ban*"
You'd be surprised at how they do that.

Sometimes before you even have made a post.

Pikachu Lover? It's a anti, because no one else can like Pokemon.
Like, omigod. Duh!

...I have to admit, I have a kind of respect for them because I have no idea how the hell they can do it. I'd go nuts if I had to be that kind of mod.

Shine on, crazy diamonds :\
i leik Pokemon!

And therefor your an Anti, just because of that.

Hands down.
I'm a somewhat :P


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