Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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We have like, 4-5 inches.

I have never seen this much snow.

Holy crap.

o.o It's sooo pretty...

I just walked a mile in it. I need to go sleep now. *snore*

Just... wow.
Watching the opening ceremony.

It's pretty kickass.
That it is. ^-^

Did you hear them playing Pirates of the Caribbean music earlier? I sure did. o.O

I wish I could sing like that girl...
No. D:

Well this is depressing.

She's great, French I think due to the accent.
Ugh, I really want to see it, but I have got to go before I fall asleep here. I must sleep. I'm not going to get to see the whole thing anyway. :(

But I love watching this... This is so awesome...

Well that sucks.

Yeah. Algeria only has one person though...
Wanting to go to Canada.
Chant en Français. XD
Mon Français c'est tres, tres, terrible. Je pardon si tu c'est ne pas comprende mon Français.

Ma Français est assez bonne, mais dans le classe de Français ce matin, nous écoutions un chanson de Français, et maintenant je suis chant. >.>

Je comprende tu! Un petit peu.

Dans ma classe de Français, je ne pas chante en Français, ma classe et moi tout tres stupide. Ma professeur adore chanter en Français.
Ma classe est tres dynamique et drole, ça classe est tres amusant. Nous chansons en Anglais, en Français, et rarement en l'espangol, mais nous ne le comprenons pas.


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