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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm moving to P.E.I and Wyoming. At the same time. Don't ask how, I shall find a way.
Summer homes.

P.E.I is lovely. No clue about Wyoming.
Wyoming's pretty in a bleak prairie way. I'm kind of fond of it.
-Loves prairies-

A bitch in the winter though, well from what I've experienced.

I'd go with P.E.I never cold land with red dirt and potatoes as the winter-fall home and Wyoming for the spring-summer one or something.
You must be talking East Wyoming. When I was up in Lander and the Wind Rivers, it was anything but flat.
@Xuut: Why didn't I think of that? *facepalm*

@Nathan: *Google-image searches Wyoming*. Pretty...
Yeah, 'cause I can totally do that and stuff.
Somewhere between restless and tearful.

And kind of considering how unfeminine I feel :\

I like this story.

It involves all the elements I enjoy.
Florida gave me the creeping weirds when I visited it (as happens when I visit any place without mountains).

See, I get my directional bearings from the mountains. Without them I get lost.
See, I get my directional bearings from the mountains.

Me too. Except when I'm up there. Then it's confusing as hell. D:
*has no sense of direction*
I'll agree that Florida is indeed very flat, but not so much that it's strange.


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