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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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You actually got closer to 533 because you included more characters than I did. Then someone corrected you with additional characters, so I suppose it will be upwards of 600.

Oh? What kind of dinosaur?
Finished reading Chromosome 8 by Peter Holt

On the plus side, it has genetics.

On the minus side, it had so much potential and the author used absolutely none of it.

On the neutral side, I'm out of genetics fiction, which means that now I have to go hunting in the Amazons again. :/
You're probably gone, but... you imply you've read genetics fiction? Can I have a list of those books so we can, eh, "compare notes"?
Genetics fiction, or fiction that I feel references genetics:

Dr. Franklin's Island by Ann Halam
Chromosome 8 (see above)
The Tommyknockers by S. King
Animorphs by Applegate
Titan by John Varley
When the Wind Blows but you've already read it.
Dusk by Susan Gates

I know as a fact that there are others, but I left my library at home. It's difficult, because I don't consider something to be Genetics-based unless it involved serious physical alteration (Which is why I haven't picked up The Uglies series or Oryx and Crake) or severe mental alteration. I don't consider "athlete" or "piano prodigy" to be interesting genetics.
I've read Dr. Franklin's Island, The Tommyknockers, Animorphs, and holy God I love you right now because I've been looking for Dusk for ages.

Aside from that, I'll have to look all those up. (And you really should read Oryx and Crake, I quite liked it and found the Crakers fascinating.)
*needs to read all these books*
I've shown you mine, care to show me yours?
I really don't have one -- well, all that I have is the books I cited above and When The Wind Blows. Oh, possibly Jurassic Park, as well.

I'm not, by any stretch of the imagination, very well-read on the subject. As you can see.
You're about as well read as I am from the looks of it.
Watching "Pay It Forward" on Youtube, for Health tomorrow. >.>
I think my old gym teacher might be stalking me....
I'm getting off for the evening, might be on later.

Good night/day!


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