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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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My parents are just...difficult, to put it mildly (haha, really late reply). They get annoyed if I don't have 100's in all my classes.

Um...I just look very...interesting. I don't really brush my hair as much as I should...
Climbing roofs is so much fun. Luckily, my friends and I have never been caught. >.>
We'd seriously been climbing everything-playground equipment, other roofs, trees-in that area for about two years and nobody had ever said anything. I knew it was probably wrong, but I figured they'd be more like "kids. get down!" than "do you have a permit?"
They asked you if you had a permit? O.o
Yeah, to which I replied, "Didn't know we needed one." And then the conversation kind of spiralled downhill from there. Especially when my friend remarked, "We were just climbing a roof, officer. It wasn't really dangerous."
Ah. That sucks. :S

Well, that probably wasn't the smartest thing to say. XD
It just bothers me. Yes, I understand not letting us on the roof because it's "dangerous". But c'mon. We didn't break anything, we didn't steal anything. Do people really care? There's a ton of no trespassing signs up in the woods and stuff-but I can't imagine how someone could be offended by me walking through the woods behind their house. Really, people. What happened to just letting kids have fun?
Meh, they're obligated to say something because it was potentially dangerous. And they get paid to do it. They might also assume that you were going up there to do bad things or something. *shrugs* I don't know how cops' minds work.
Yeah, they're just doing their job. It's how the world works that annoys me, honestly. I don't think someone should be able to stop me from enjoying their land, so long as I'm not harming it, just because they've got a piece of paper. And then the minister comes out talking about fear of God and I had to bite my lip so...very...hard...

Anyway, I've gotta go eat dinner and stuff. Thanks for agreeing with me-it's nice when someone isn't like "ZOMGZ-GET DOWN FROM THAT ROOF YOULL BREAK YOUR FACE!"

Btw...I won't be able to be on here as much. Sucks, I know. But I gave myself an April 1st deadline for getting my editing done and it would be nice to stick to it.
Are you not religious? I'd probably do the same thing.

M'kay. Have a nice life away from here, and I mean that sincerely. I could never manage it. XD
Not Christian, anyway. And even if I was, that would still annoy me. C'mon people. If your god's so loving, why should I have to fear them?

sneaks back on Gah. I'm pathetic ( :
Dying my hair red! :D


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