It's easier to ignore that part. You can't tell it's there. Which is sort of all the worse, but still... when you look at something and see it as animal flesh, though, things change a bit...
And the blatant disregard to animal morality is horrible. The things they do to veal calves...
Permalink Reply by Fake on February 23, 2010 at 12:20pm
*nods* I'm not all that concerned about corpses-I mean, they're lumps of carbon and hydrogen atoms, it's not that big a deal-but I hate what they do to live animals. Why can't they do that to humans?
And yeah. See, humans normally deserve it. It's funny to hear them scream things like, "ALLRIGHT, I'M SORRY I CHEATED ON HER!" and the like.
Besides, I don't know how to keep animals alive for that long. Humans I can keep alive for, oh, months, but animals...