Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I wanna see it...
Got any books to recommend, actually? I'm doing the technological aspect of it, kind of-like, scifi ways you could control someone, but I'm also doing hypnosis and some stuff with zombies, as well as touching on propaganda...

I'm going to have a lot of fun with next big project is going to involve a main character whose mind is being controlled, so I'll get the research done for that, too ( :
Mind control methods as discussed in science fiction:
-Mental reprogramming through direct neural editing.
-Pathogens that have crossed the blood-brain barrier (Syphilis and the Zombie Plague count as this)
-Electric/cybernetic overrides (chips in the head)
Pondering whether or not to change back to my original avvie on TTS...

Edit: Hell yes. It feels so much more natural with it like that. :D Not to mention that the plant scene is one of the best.
Done with my Anatomy homework, which leaves me free to blow the rest of the night on Immortal Defense and the Bioshock soundtrack.

Right now, life is pretty rad.

Question: Do you know any good books I could read about mind control?
Have you heard the stuff from Bio 2 yet? It's more thematic.
Gotta go edit some crap, guys! Sayounara!
'Night, Sora.
Goodnight Ni. And Sora.
Gaping at a person with a familiar and thereby out-of-place avvie. >.>


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