Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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XD Nah... God is, well, God, so he could really face everyone at once, yet individually. Or so I would imagine. :D

But yeah, that thread made me cuss IRL. I think I've only done that like, three times. Ever. >.<'
XD Good point. I seriously imagined an endless line of humans waiting for their turn to be judged.

Yeah. v.v Technically, nothing she said insulted me personally. I'm straight, non-religious, I have no close affiliation with special ed kids, etc. Yet that pissed me off so much.
I pictured that at first too. XD

I'm a Christian and have lots of friends from other religions, plus some that may or may not be homosexual, and my mom teaches 1st through 3rd grade special ed kids. I was ready to kill her.
Argh, gotta get off.

I'll be back in an hour or so.

*still praying for texting*
Took a free IQ test, got a 141.
I don't trust that result.

I wonder if the university offers free tests...

That aside I've learned more about squid anatomy in the past six hours than I have any real useful reason of knowing.
-Has done several when I was bored-

I don't trust them. One told me I was 130, another 124, another 80, and yet another as about 100.

They lie. At least the ones I did.
I don't believe in IQ tests at all. Like, I don't believe your IQ has much to do with anything.

I got a real IQ test when I was a kid. Like, you go into an office and it's all professional and everything. *doesn't believe any of those*
THE GIRL GOT BANNED FROM LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


While I didn't reply to that, she pissed me off so much.
*dances around*.


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