Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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We got out an hour and a half early due to snow. Meh... Usually it'd be okay, but my last class is my favorite (Drawing and Painting) and then I had to stand in the alternating slushy and hard icy precipitation that was really freaking COLD for 40 minutes. I thought my toes were going to be frozen solid like that guy on POTC3. >.<'

But anyway, I did none of my homework and almost finished Guitar Hero 5. Halfway productive day, in a way, I suppose... XD
Now I need to try and finish this manga I borrowed from somebody a month ago, do at least a little Pre-Calc and/or Physics HW, work on a piece for Drawing and Painting due Thursday, and start drawing something for my friend's birthday present. :/ Crap, I shouldn't have played G-H...

That snow had better get us a two-hour delay tomorrow... >.>

Oh yeah! And today's date is 3..2..1..0! XD
Thinking about the poem I'm choosing to imitate for my poetry portfolio.
Thinking about how deep of a hole I've dug myself into. :\
Edit: Being mad at my old Word program and its lack of interesting fonts.
Being pissed at certain roleplayers who never sign on.


Trying to subconciously convince self that a paper I have due friday was actually due today, thus forcing myself to work.
I try to do that all the time. And it never works. D:
Yes, well, I'm hoping I can pick up hipnotism or something.

Maybe I'll tell my rents that it's, like, a week late...
What, and force them to force you to work?

The paper I'm working on is a week late, but it's not actually "late", and... I'm screwed. >.<'
That's the idea. ^_^ Then I tell them that I lied about it.

Meh. Sorry to here that. D: Good luck.
Yeah, my parents would kill me. XD

Thanks. :\ I'm going to try and focus. At least partially. I need to get some of it done tonight.
Going downstairs for a couple of minutes to look up YouTube videos for my project.
I have the tabs page.

I don't need this as my homepage because I always leave it on. >.>
You use MX as homepage? O.o

I use Google as homepage.
I just leave everything up...


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