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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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What's the other weird type?

Sora knows certain drugs do that...

(Sora is typing in 3rd person because apprently it's talk in third person day)
The other weird type is some different species of Chili.

Ah, but A Hershey (or Cadbury/etc. if Hershey isn't popular in your region) bar is far easier to get your hands on, way less expensive, and can be stored en masse for periods of time without legal action.
Chili. Huh.

You're SURE they won't take legal action if I use it to...never mind. ( :
Sora just doesn't notice most of the people at her school-seriously she doesn't know their names or anything. She's got 1 or 2 friends at least in all her classes, and if she's not near them she just reads under the desk the whole time. And her school's got a couple of class clowns to keep things interesting and some people who are decent if boring, so she gets by. People are okay-it's just sad when they don't get her jokes.

You're at school 8 hours a day. Might as well enjoy it.

Sora could never bear home school-other people are annoying, but she would rather be annoyed than bored.

Sora is doing IB (like AP, only harder) and School of the Arts next year, so hopefully she will meet many more awesome people.
Wow, that reminds me of me a lot.

Once you go to specialty locations, everyone shifts comparatively. As an example, last year I found myself in two very different classes; an Environmentalism and Urban Living class (elective) and Calculus I. In the E&UL class, I was the only one with a math and science background, so I was often treated as an authority. On the other hand, in Calc 1, where I'm not as sure of myself, I found myself as one of the nameless part of the crowd.

Being extremely tired.

*needs sleep*
Sora's team won the county Battle of the Books competition today. Sora only answered 3 questions and her friend did all the rest. Sora doesn't see the point of Battle of the Books, since she'll never need to use the facts again, but did it because she'd already read all the books on the list. Sora's dad spent the whole time griping about how she wasn't taking things seriously and "NO! You cannot wear that hat"-ing
Sora apologizes for ranting. Night, everyone.
Thinking about how I should eat more
Thinking about the load of things I have to get done, and the fact that I'm not altogether sure of the expectations >.<'
My heater... is making me sleepeh...

*goes to turn off heater*
Watching a TLC special about kids who eat the weirdest things.

This little girl ate batteries thinking they were candy. Yeah.

The next kid ate a coat hanger... How? That barely fits...

The worse thing I ever did was shove beads up my nose.. which I was smart enough to know how to get out.


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