Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I dunno... Between the border you can hear the screams of terror as us Canadians cower in fear due to the dark. And of course, I live in a winter waste land in an igloo while you live in a not winter wasteland in houses.

Then there's those polar bears...

I hate stereotypes with a passion. I mean, I live in California, of COURSE I surf to school....
XD I love screwing with them.

Yes, I live in an igloo. It's fun. :D Yes, I ride a polar bear to school but because they're endangered animals five people have to share one. I add maple syrup to everything.

Of course, Canadian stereotypes are generally all very positive.
Sorry-I have Band Festival tomorrow. Gotta be awake for that. Good luck getting it done, though! (pretty pic!)


No. Fuck no.

I was thirteen before I got an ipod. That's fucking unfair.

You're eleven! Why do you have one? Are you going to have a cellphone next year too? Hell, get a laptop too. v.v

Screw my family. They all suck.
One of my friends got her phone when she was nine.

I'd imagine my brother'd have the same rant as you... >.>

But it's more of the, "I got it when I was this old, she should too."

As opposed to the, OMG ur 11 y do u hav 1???
I get my things all at around the same time as my brother. He just got a laptop, and I'm hoping to get one this summer, and he's a couple years older than me.

We got our phones at the same time, also, but that's only because my parents waited for so damn long.
Oh it's not even an old one. It's new.

And it's not so much as you're eleven, ZOMG why do you have one? It's more of the, "What the hell. I was thirteen before I got one and you're excuse before was, "I didn't have the money." And now she's eleven and she gets one?"

She even has a laptop too, although I didn't protest against that. v.v
My younger sister gets something similar, but because my brother and I like to wait long periods before updating our tech, so right now she's still struggling through Pokemon Red on the Gameboy Color.
XD Pokemon Red.

I love that game.

-Still plays it-

Eh, the same was for me. Until the older siblings just started breaking everything they own. Then I finally got new stuff.

Goddamnit first years. :(


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