Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I used to. Until they called the police, who raided my house and found all the bodies. So now I keep quiet about my extra curricular activities.

Wise move.
And now I never hold halloween parties at my house.

You know that game where you stick your hand into a bowl of spaghetti and are told it's a human brain, and similair such things, whilst you wear a blindfold?

I had them play a variant of that. ^_^

You're not a very nice host.

Edit: Which reminds me. Did you finish the plot?
...And that suprises you? XD

But, to be fair, they thought my Bloody Mary's were delicious. ^_^

Edit: ...Meh. I finished my outline for it, but still need to write it. Should take less than thirty minutes, but...lazy.
Psh, not a bit. XD

I'm sure they did. Did you happen to have one?

Ohkay. *is currently screwing up homework schedule anyhow*
Of course not. I'm a vegetarian. Blood, even when mixed with other drink stuff, is technically an animal product.

I'm glad they liked it, though-finding people named Mary is harder than it sounds.
You have a point.

Oh gods, you didn't actually look for... o.o
It wouldn't be the same if it was, oh, a Bloody Samantha. Bloody Beatrice. Bloody Angela.

And I can't just walk around saying, "Hey, I'm Crowley, is your name Mary? It is! Oh, goodie. Come with me, please."

Then what did you do, exactly? O.o
Honestly, would you drink a Bloody Agnes? No, I didn't think so.

And it's simple, really.

Facebook. ^_^

Thank you, interwebz...

The internet superhighway has a downside, and it's name is Crowley.
I'm not drinking anything offered by you. Ever. XD

I thought you hadn't mastered doing things to people through the internet yet.


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