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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Rampant fangirlism kind of paid off a little -- Dr. Gunther-Hagen makes me melt in that scientist-fangirl way, and there's more science/callbacks to other books than there have been lately.
Admittedly, it's better than four and five...
Dude, I have written badfic better than four and five _o_ Anything would've been better than four and five.

When you think about it, they were fanfic.

When you're too write a book...

Who're you gonna call?


When you can't think...of anything good.

Who're you gonna call?

Word. It's like JP went off the drugs for this book :\
I'm...I'm scared.


Why is it so much better than books four and five?


*panic attack*
I attribute it to the fact that the book... is actually something like enjoyable. It evoked an emotion other than "fuck them, I don't give a damn" from my bitter, hardened, black little heart.

And it has all the crazy-awesome of your hilariously-bad science-fiction pulp novel.
I have to go already! Sorry everybody! :(

I'll try to be back soon. Bye!
Hope to see you soon!
Bye, sorry I missed meeting you, I've already heard wonderful things.
Actually working.

'Tis a miracle. ^-^


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