Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm alright, how about you?
Pretty good.

The weather here really, I'm talking about weather? *ashamed* is changing so often that it annoys me, and I'm so ready for spring.
XD I talk about the weather a lot with some people here...

Yeah. Here, it was... sunny, then rainy, then sunny again. It never got above 70. >.>
I wish it would rain here.

It snowed about a foot, then melted, then stayed nice for a little, snowed a bunch again, and is now melting. Today, I think it got a little bit over 70. All I want is for it to make up its mind. XD
o.o You still have snow?
Yep. *Colorado dweller*

You live in California, don't you?
Oh, huh.

Yep. I never get snow. Ever. So this really shouldn't surprise me.
It's hailed in July, here, before. Last time it decided to do that, I was riding a horse. >.<'

We have a really late-to-come spring. The leaves aren't usually on the trees until mid-April to early May.
o.o In July, we hardly ever see anything below 90....

Wow. We have leaves and cherry blossoms and roses and everything already....
Really? O.o *could not live like that* In the summer, it's normally 80-85 degrees. A "hot" day is around 92.

Lucky. Some of the grass here is still covered in snow. DX
I haven't seen an outdoor plant with a live leaf in so long. D:

We see 90s-100s throughout summer. One day we hit a record on my birthday. I forget what it was though. Like 120something.
That's hot. O.O

I have to go...

G'night. ^-^


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