Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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:D Starbucks. I'm drinking it. Yummeh. <3

Watching my five year old cousin try to play Guitar Hero. It's actually quite amusing.
Playing my air guitar along to "Supermassive Black Hole" and working on script.
Aaaand this is why I can never have even remotely civilized conversation with him or even eat dinner with the rest of my family.

Go annoying people! Whoo!

On another note, I just figured out how to properly use this touch pad on my laptop. :D
-Offers tea-

You know I first read brain as Brian. I was all... O.o You're jealous of Brian? Did he get the last cookie or something?
Listening to Regina Spektor
I feel like crap. :D

Some damned disease mixed with sleep deprivation, presumably.

Don't expect me to be on much today.
Today, my school had Diversity Day. Diversity Day is essentially a day where we celebrate...diversity.


At my school, diversity day consists of-primarily-various clubs (Gay Straight Alliance, Students of All Colours, Environmental Club, etc) setting up booths, playing music, giving out free food, and explaining their clubs.

...My school is pretty interesting, let me tell you.

How interesting?

Well, I got Rick Rolled. XD

First off was the music. These big speakers played the main music for most of the area-it was wear the various musical groups and the like played their music, and, when nobody was playing music, it was connected to an Ipod.

What was interesting was that it played the remix Caramelldansen, originally by the Swedish group Caramell. As you are no doubt aware, Caramelldansen also happens to be an anime related meme. :D While them playing such an infamous song might have been purely coincidence, the next song to play was Rick Astley’s equally infamous, “Never Gonna Give You Up.”


My school is mocking me.

The Caramelldansen remix was heard another place as well.

At the Anime fan booth.


I don’t think we really have an anime club-but we have a lot of fans here, and I guess it makes sense that they’d set up a booth. Still, it’s kind of interesting-and it makes my respect for my classmates just a wee bit higher. Oh, and the people at the booth were all cosplaying, and actually danced to the Caramelldansen. That’s right. Cosplaying.

Fuck yeah.

...Speaking of nerdom, nearby was a booth that was supposed to be Star Trek, but nobody set up anything, and nobody was there. The table was just there, all lonely looking.

...To be honest, I’m half glad it wasn’t set up. Don’t get me wrong-I’m just as much a nerd as anyone else, albeit an incredibly sexy one-but I don’t think Trekkies honestly count as a diverse culture. Maybe I’m wrong, but it’s...a fanclub. Not a country, not a culture. I suppose you could argue that it /is/ a culture, but not much of one.

Despite that, it was infinitely better than the booth next to the Anime booth.

Another fanclub booth. I’ll give you a guess as to what it was.

That’s right-you guessed it.


Friggin’ Twilight.


Faith in classmates: Lost.

...If Star Trek doesn’t deserve to be in Diversity Day, Twilight sure as hell doesn’t. Nobody will be reading Twilight in ten years, unless the movies are seriously delayed. It’s a fad. A temporary thing. Not a fucking culture.

The booth basically consisted a thing where you posted sticky-notes with your team written on said note card-Team Edward or Team Jacob. Of course, people did what was natural, and posted whatever the hell they wanted.

Some people posted things like, “Team Tyler’s Van,” and, “Team Jakeward.”


Faith in classmates regained...slightly.

Naturally, many of the comments were anti Twilight, anti-anti Twilight, etc. It was not unusual to see one that said, “Anti’s suck!”

But here’s where it really get’s interesting.

You’ll never believe this, but they actually mentioned us. The Anti’s. By name.

Specifically, I was mentioned, another Anti was mentioned, and a third was mentioned-get this-twice.

I’m not going to tell you the names of the other two, That’s...unbelievable.

Did it ever occur to you (those of you who populate TTS) that, as semi-famous Anti’s of TTS, you’d ever so slightly effect some of the almost four hundred thousand members of TTS? And that they’d remember your name?

To be frank, I didn’t, I don’t know if I should feel like a winner or a loser.

Another interesting thing was a booth about MLIA and FML. I didn’t really check them out,

...Apart from that, nothing exceptionally interesting happened. I got offended by the Bible Club-evidently, the Bible is correct because, A, we have a lot of old copies, B, because some facts are historically accurate, and C, because it fulfils two hundred of it’s own prophecies. Apart from that, it was completely uneventful.

In conclusion, my classmates are really internet savvy and all out badass. :D

And I have no way to conclude this post, so I’m just going to stop here.
Epic. O.O


That was pretty much my reaction...

Oh, and there were a ton of sexual references in this skit at the end of the day. Extremely provocative dancing, by both males and females, and a skit where two guys talk about the proportions they like on a girl.

...It should be noted that the cross country team at my school was banned from ever making skits again because they swore in a skit accidently.

My school is extremely strict

My school isn't strict, but the only really interesting thing we have/do is our heritage/relationship.
Listening to Pandora

Trying to catch up on Chuck. I've just realized I've missed almost half this season if not all of it.


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