Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Do it! NOOOW!

TALLY-WAH! Do it now!!

(Love you both)

(Incidentally, I don't know how you all stay up so late. I went to sleep at twelve and woke up at 5:20 and I was all zombie until a few hours ago. Zombie, not ZOMBEH. Icky.)

EDIT: History class, ho!
(I'm not that well informed with regards to TTS history.)
The ToD thread, Neo's Audio thread, and Tally's Accents thread on MX. Tally thougth of it first, the luffly.
Just got home, sketching out Jeb-with-shotgun while waiting for my damn laundry.
Had a pretty awesome day today...our Spanish teacher got distracted by rabbits and then let us make up stories about our weekends (mine involved Invader Zim and fire...), and then instead of doing work in math we drew tessellations (Mine looked like the head of some guy with a beard so I made a bunch of different ones...robots, ninjas, pirates, Na'Vi, Frankenstein...) instead of doing actual was raining today but track was okay because they were doing construction in the woods and they had all these planks laid out that we made into an obstacle course...and then we made up a story about revenge of the bulldozers...

So yeah, pretty happy at the moment and hoping it will last.
There's an ant on my mouse! Dx Dx Dx

EDIT- Oh thank god it left.
What the hell is going on on MX?

-is too...whatever to go see for herself-
I'd like to know the answer to that, too-been too busy lately to really keep up with it.
>.> I think you two have tried enough plans, no offense.

I like Darrien. He's trying. If you talk to him about something, he generally tired to comply, which is better than the rest.

Really, give things time, don't start anything, a try to just lay back. It seems like Keira and Supersour have things handled as things will just continue. *lurking*
Would you say 'Hi' to her for me? She isn't answering PMs here anymore. . . v.v


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