Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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(Yay! Thanks. This is going to be MeganxMiles8 in my pictures, now. XD *tired of coming up with better names for their shipping pictures)
XDD How many do you have exactly?
Uh. . . lots? I've got several labeled 'MeganxMiles' 'MilesxMegan', 'M&M', and one or two 'FishyxMiles'. Then other randoms. I've been collecting for over a year now. . .. xD

Oh, it's so sweet. True love ^^

And you're an amazingly good artist, too, love.
-Loves it-

If I have a reference like a cartoon picture or something I can draw pretty well. From my head is a lot harder.
XD Well, how could you /not/?

Still amazing. And much better than I can manage.
Fishy doesn't. v.v But she's in denial so when she realizes it and is with him she will. XDDD
Thank you!
*ded of awesome*

You have to be alive to ship.

I have no faith left in most humans, but they're still amusing from time to time. XD


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