Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I really want sourdough bread. x.x

Taking a look at the course list again... I don't want to wait until scheduling to find out what I can get into. ._.
Wishing that Playlist would work.

Edit: So TTS, here, Facebook, and Hotmail all work, but Playlist,, and Pandora don't? What the hell.
Spacers suck. :\
*Agees 100000000%*
Trying to figure out how to submit my script so it can be validated for ScriptFrenzy (a challenge to write a script in a NaNoWriMo). I have ten pages left to write but I want to make sure I can figure out how to transfer them to PDF, which is the only thing the validating site accepts...and which I can't do without a credit card or downloading a program, both of which are impossible without permission from parents who aren't in the mood to be supportive at the moment...
Are you using Screnzy? 'Cause that has a built-in PDF maker.
...Screnzy? Afraid not-I've been using It has PDF built in, too, but that feature is only for paying members. They gave me a coupon so I could download my script for free at the end of ScriptFrenzy, but even when the cost is free the form requires a credit card number.

How easy would it be to convert everything I have on scripped to Screnzy? And ís it a website or a program?

Ha, thanks for the's yours going?
Oh my, I fail ;_; I meant, uh CeltX. Which is a free download.

I have 60 pages, so... I need to work on it, but right now fanart has priority, 'cause I can knock that down in a night.
...Tonight's the last night.

Edit: If that's what you mean.
Yeah, but I can't download stuff without a password, which my parents have. (did I mention that my parents are really getting on my nerves right now?)

Hey, it's 60 pages than you would have had, right?
Try being EXTRA sweet...I'll gove you an example:

My dad calls up the phone, all pissed off. I answer and he says:

"I just got back from Verizon have unlimted texting to VERIZON TO VERIZON...not to any other phone company you know that right..?'

So I say: "Yeah, I know, why?"

"Well," He says. "You have gone over your texting in the past 3 months. $67 dollers over, even WITH the Verizon to Verizon plan. Your lucky. I'm buying you a unlimted plan to ALL companies so you don't go over any more. So, you better think of a way to pay me back."

This whole time I'm laughing hystrically, because I find this really funny. Until the 'Pay me back' part. So I act all sweet, saying I lovee youu Daddyyyy and being extra it ends up I'm off the hook and don't have to pay back. He just said, "No more going over Princess, I mean it", but says it with a smile.

Maybe ask nicely..?
It's complicated...let's just say my dad didn't want kids and now he's stuck with us and he's determined to work as little as possible. There's also the problem that I'm sneaking on the computer and he's asleep.

If someone has Adobe or whatever PDF is saved as, and you could download my script to there...I'd appreciate it.


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