Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Uhm... forget what that was. DX I haven't played in so long. Except yesterday, and I didn't even pay any attention then. >.>

EDIT: Okay, now I remember. Sure.
Try to go directly to the website. It should automatically launch then.


-Had gorgeous weather today-

Don't die.

I suck at rumbling.
Me too. Occasionally. It helps to have a bludgeon.
LOL, i only have my fists.
Wondering how my class works... We're the smallest, quietest ninth grade class in the school. We have the most lates and absents and there has never been a day where we've all been present. All of the new kids who came leave after a month and never come back.

And somehow we managed to have the overall highest academic average and the highest overall beep test average.
Welcome to Spring :D
I have a stomachache. >.<

Oh, and my dad's calling me anorexic.

...Because I don't eat meat. WTF.

You are my twin.

I'm no longer a vegetarian because my parents thought it was an eating disorder. I feel you.


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