Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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If this was FB, I would have pressed 'Like' on that reply...xD
Mah tummeh is rumbling.
Going to finish up my Bio. That will make me happy. :D

Boondocks season three.
Wishing I could post on TTS as Contradiction.
...Why can't you?
Would it really be worth it even though I'd be banned within minutes? ._.

Just spam the, "Make accounts," button.

Eventually, they'll get tired or leave.
Mhm... ._.
Things I love doing/want to do that will end up in me being lynched some day.
1. Going to the bookstore and switching the, “Signed by the author,” stickers from the correct books to the Bible.
2. Then autograph them all with, “Allah.”
3. Putting sex toys in the Toy department at Walmart.
4. Putting dog costumes up at a place that sells sex toys.
5. Going to protests with blank signs.
6. Going to protests with the, “For Sale,” signs people put up at their house.
7. Go to protests with signs that say, “You know, things are pretty Ok,” And, “I love you all.”
8. Going to the abortion clinic, standing on the roof, and performing a live concert while screaming protestors are outside. Act like they’re cheering for you. For better results, claim that your band name is something fairly commonly chanted (Abortionists are murderers, Etc.)
9. Produce Ring videos. End them with a Rick Roll. Or, better yet, give them to your friend, and, when he watches the tape, call him and play it into the phone.
10. Rick Roll the entire world...somehow.
11. Hack into a Mod/Admins account. Change the front page of a site to read, “You Just Lost the Game.”
12. You just lost the game, by the way.
13. ...Bitch.
14. Speak in iambic pentameter for a day.
15. Connect two chat machines together. See what odd, odd conversation they come up with.
16. Make a chat machine based on GLaDOS.
17. Glue money to the sidewalk.
18. Post a link to 4chan on TTS. Claim it’s a Twilight Appreciation Site.
19. Make a huge ass website with every letter combination possibly, from one letter words to ten.
20. Spam websites with the chemical name for Titin. Multiple times.
FYI, Titin's chemical name is generally about sixty pages in the average word document (Times new roman, size twelve, word 2003 margins.)


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