Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Mostly Lamp... I haven't properly spoken to her since, like, Wednesday your time... *misses her terribly*

*figured* *talked to her a few hours ago, but, still thinks she should be online*
You wouldn't happen to know why she's not, would you?
Well, no, but she said she was grounded and then she'd be on and off, and then she said "*offline*" and left. So I'd assume that was just being grounded, yet again...
Oh, well that's just lovely...
Monster of Men?

*curious* What's the second one in that series called? The Knife of Never Letting Go always intrigued me, but I never really got round to reading it...

Fun stuff.

Edit: Damn. If I want to get my fine arts credits over with, I'd have to reconfigure my entire schedule. x.x
Doesn't that suck? *got my VPA finished this year*

I think I'll go see how completely switching it around looks. v.v
Woke up at 6:00 to run a 5K...

It was pretty fun.
Just finished watching the X-Files movie.
...and my English portfolio is done. Now if I can get my Creative Writing portfolio completed...I still maintain that editing a creative work is more difficult than actually writing the darn thing.


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