Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Of June?

*got out on the 21st of May*
*Got out today*
The 25th. Of June. Blasted snowdays.
What... the... HELL! The mods have now officially taken down every group I've ever created. Evidently, they just took down my group dedicated to Max/Dylan, for absolutely no reason.
Omg playing Cave Story <3

Obvious link is obvious. Go download it. And play it. Caaaaaaave Story.
Mmm... No. No I'm not going to. Anything beyond Sims 1 is too advanced for me.

I'm serious. My friend offered to GIVE me her Sims 2 game and I had to refuse. I suck at everything computer games. >./body>
It's a 2D platform game. There's nothing complicated. It's literally jumping around a cave shooting things + a lot of plot.
"a lot of plot" I don't do well with plot. It requires memory. And a goal. And, like, skill.

Then why do you think it's so awesome? You can just shoot things with Halo. Which I also suck at, but eh.
Or you can take out your anger at someone by playing Mario Bros. Wii and jumping on their heads, making them fall into a deep abyss.
That's always fun :D
Yes, it is. :DD It's also funny when they come back in their little bubble, and you run away so that they're just floating around for eternity. >:)


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