Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Clever ducky.
Feeling incredibly incredibly glad that the week is over.

Wishing so much that I didn't have more Maths SACs next week, since I'm pretty sure I basically failed today's, nevermind that I probably ended up putting more work into this unit than any other unit this year. And last year. Probably ever, actually.

I'm also dreading getting Legal back, which I shouldn't be, because up until now it was like my best subject. But, I know our teacher was bitching to the other class about how badly we did. Though, really, if he'd bothered to fucking show up to class every now and again maybe our class would be doing just as well as his other class, for whom he's not missed a single lesson. Oh, yeah, /and/ we get ranked against them. Completely fair.

I didn't screw up Psych for a change though, which is... nice. I s'pose. One less thing to stress about. But, eh, it's such terribly easy subject matter, which I know, too. I should be getting consistently good marks in it...

I will be so very very happy when this year is over. Just another five or so months x.x
Wishing Sami were on. *wants to RP*
Enjoying the breeze and summer-y feel of outside coming through my windows.
Feeling very anti-productive.

I have that habit too >.> I do remember to restart once in a while, though.
Finally allowed to keep my computer in my room. :DDDD Yay for Pandora whenever I want!!! Anyway, it's Friday. I'm deciding on whether I want to work on my painting and project for Drawing and Painting due Thursday, my take-home exam for Physics due Tuesday, the drawing I'm doing for you-know-who's dad that doesn't need to be done until August, or just blow it all off and work on that medieval Lego castle on an island I started yesterday. I'm thinking it'll either be the first one or the last one. :D

And I'm excited because I finally have the supplies I need to even do that drawing, including charcoal and a sketchbook half the size of Texas, plus some acrylic paint, three paint pallets, and a bunch of tiny detail brushes. :DDD
lololol, xDDD
I mean, fail, right?
Best. Fucking. Practice. Evar.


In other news, I'm working on an epic new charrie.

-Good mood for some reason-

My sister just tried to teach me how to play Epona's song on a guitar. I am musically impaired. I cannot count beats, I cannot really differentiate instruments in the background and I can't tell if someone is not hitting a note unless it's blatantly obvious.

Something she learned and perfected in half an hour took me five minutes to play once properly. Even after she taught me. v.v

This makes me glad I understand circles since that makes me feel less stupid.
I am too. My friend killed me with a banana.
My fish has survived for three weeks! Happy three-week-birthday Flint. :-)


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