Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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i liekd it dud this iz reely gud keep writing mor plzzzz!!!!!111

The name Hans Gunther-Hagen always reminds me of Hagen-Daaz ice cream. This chapter made me hungry. Damn you for our ice cream coma inducing writing.
Eh, that name just reminds me of Body Worlds.

Extra strength Tylenol: DIDN'T WORK.
Ibuprofen: DIDN'T WORK.
Excedrin: DIDN'T WORK.
Hydrocodone: DIDN'T WORK.

I can barely hear out of one ear, and I feel like half of my face is going to explode. I'M IN FUCKING PAIN AND HE DECIDES TO TEXT ME? WHAT? Him: "Hey, why aren't you here tonight?" Me: "Um, because you're a douche who dumped me because I didn't want to make out or possibly more with a guy who my parents didn't know who is/was 3 years older than me." "I have a fucking ear infection, douche. Have a good time hitting on my friend." Him: "I'm going to act like you didn't suggest that. Seriously, did it ever cross your mind that it didn't work out because you act like this all the time?"

Ouch. In two ways. That really hurt. But I'm actually proud of myself for saying almost what was inside of my head.

EDIT: To make an overly long post even longer...
On the bright side, my mom's doing my laundry. I feel like a queen. ^-^
-Offers tea-

... Does he understand sarcasm?

Or is his brain incapable of such a thing?
-Takes tea-

It really wasn't sarcasm... v.v I ran into him at Wallmart yesterday and they were flirting with each other.

The worst part is that he is smart. Smarter than I was. And he comes across as the nicest, most trustworthy guy. He's just not.
Oh. Ouch.

>.> Balls.

-Gives frozen yogurt-
-Takes frozen yogurt as well- -eats entire tub- -gains three pounds-

>.> He's gone. He's going to college far, far away. I blocked him from my cell phone (gotta love technology made for over-protective mothers) and de-friended him on facebook. I will probably never see/hear from him again.
The tub can't make you gain three pounds can it?

Oh good.
A three-pound tub can...

Yep. That's the only reason I had the guts to be so mean to him while texting. Before, I either pretend not to get his texts or I'm all sweet and nice and 'sure we can be friends, why not?'.

For the first time in /ages./
Duude, I did that in maths today. Don't remember what I wrote about, but I remember it sucking slightly less than usual for me....
Glad I at least don't have to deal with school at the moment.

I now have at least five art projects I'm working on, however. Good thing I have more new supplies! :D Drawing and painting are fun. Too bad I don't have the attention span to finish anything that could possibly make me any money. :D


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