Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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No, she was like in her twenties. It was legit :D Also I got to fly with her which was awesome because I haven't had a flying dream in forever. They're the best.

Dude, that is honestly one of the side effects of my meds: trippy dreams. And they are not kidding.
I'm normally terrified of heights but in this dream she was just, like, holding me in her arms and it was adorable but in dreams... it goes away? Flying dreams are my favorite.

They are a lot of fun.
:O I always try to fly in my dreams but I always end up jumping really high and then coming back down like I'm bungee jumping or something. D: It just never works. Even though I'm not afraid of heights and never was.

Yay! Somebody actually has stranger dreams than me! :DDD See a few pages ago for details of my awesomest dream ever about Jack Sparrow. XD
Side effects are awesome :D

Except for the one where I'm more susceptible to bleeding in my stomach. Fuckin a.
o.O What kind of meds are those? Yucky...
Antidepressant has the freaky dream side effect. But it interacts with the superAdvil I'm taking to produce possible upper GI tract bleeding.
Yowch. What's the Advil for though? Is there any possible way you can stop taking it?
It's supposed to help my joint pain and kind of does.

Also, I'm lazy, so... until I actually start showing symptoms (i.e. throwing up blood), I'll keep taking it.
:\ Well, be careful with it. We don't want you to die.
Yeah, I'll be careful >.> And try not to die.
Oh balls.

I'm going to fail Social Studies...
o.0 Well if it makes you feel any better, three guys from my school who are two years older than me are at/coming to my house now, including you-know-who. And who arranged this? Not me, but mom. WTF?


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