You did? :D That makes me happy. I'm up to two people who know about it now, and plan on telling three of my RL friends (the ones who can be trusted not to let my parents know).
I'm seriously confused... I already have five votes for the ___ Of The Week, though I only know of two people who are aware that the site exists.
Also, my six year old nephew is getting pretty good at the three-letter-words reading. It's a far cry from say, Harry Potter, but not all of us can be freaks. *cough* TALLY *cough*
Well, not to mention that he's been in daycares all his life with foster mothers who work full-time and his original parents who were too busy beating the crap out of him to teach him that A was for 'apple'.
Just how sad is it that the seven year old girls at day camp are singing Ke$ha?
Also, this from the KKK website:
Our children's minds are being attacked daily in all spheres of their innocent life by anti-White and anti-Christian propaganda. By the time they reach adult hood they are an obedient slave to the ideas of race mixing, globalism, homosexuality, abortion, and dozens of Marxist based, liberal schemes meant to artificially lift non-whites to a higher level of civilization - a civilization they condemn on one hand and then beg to be a part of the next - all of this at the expense and destruction of White Christians.
Likewise non-whites who reside in America should be expected to conduct themselves according to Christian principles and must recognize that race mixing is definitely wrong and out of the question. It will be a privilege to live under the authority of a compassionate White Christian government.