Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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My brother is freaking brilliant... o.o

He's ten.

He came up with the exact same problems this week that I had a month or so ago. Deep, philosophical shit. I am amazed. We just had an hour-long tearful conversation about what I did to get over the realizations.

Basically, we're strange kids who have mid-life crises at ages sixteen and ten.

Since when is a fifth grader worried about getting old? o.O

We may or may not talk to Mom about all of this, since she's all stressed out from going back to school and everything. I'm glad he came to me to talk about it, otherwise I don't know what he would have done, but it wouldn't have been good... At least I know why he's been so depressed lately...
I fuckin' love milk.
Just for anyone who has never gone on a long walk just before the sun comes up to watch the sky turn all these brilliant colors.... You must. I officially declare myself a morning person, the sunrise is beautiful. *nods*
I don't think so. Because I was in boy scouts. Seeing the sun rise back then meant you spent the entire night in a bloody tent.

Sorry about that, I have never been tent camping, and I love tents. And camping. So.
Something tells me you might not find the combination of the two incredibly pleasant.
How do your figure? I'll admit, tents are a bit cramped and if you didn't bring a sleeping pad along the ground can be a bit uncomfortable, but unless you get your sleeping bag wet it isn't that bad. You make it sound like a plane crash.
It doesn't have a regulated temperature, the sleeping bag is SO not as soft as your bed, you can't really stand up in one (well, Partrk couldn't at least) and if you get up to pee in the middle of the night it's awkward...

And bugs. And nature. And the sounds that bugs and nature make.
But bugs and nature make pretty sounds! Like crickets. And I have slept on my driveway before, with a sleeping bag, so a tent can only be better, right?
I'd rather hear sounds of nature in nature than in my house, like I do now... >.>

For example, the crickets we feed to the lizard and the scratching sound whatever's living in my wall makes every single night...

I love camping though :D I never get to go camping here, it's too freaking hot and there are too many bugs and my family's mostly made up of wimps. I wanna go back to the Adirondacks and climb mountains. DX


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