Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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That guy.


Fine. Don't talk to me.

I hope we don't go to the same school. And I hope my school will kick your school's ass in everything.
Hon, it's been what? A few hours?

How'd you contact him? FB?
Do you even know if he's been online, yet?
Yes. Through FB.

He's been on for three hours. And the blinker has been on green on FB. So that means he's been on. And I know he usually answers PM's relatively fast because he did so for the one when I asked if he lived here.

He's ignoring me. >.>
Maybe he went away from the computer?

Otherwise . . . he's a prat you don't need to bother seeing, anyways. *nods*
Doubt it.

He's been on since like seven o'clock. It's now past twelve.

-Agrees- -Wishes she wasn't here- Forever 21 here is poop, it's too far from Lampy to visit meh and I dunno if I'll be able to see Emily during Christmas. Either Toronto or Vancouver would be far better.
Hon, your blinker is green constantly, and has been for weeks.

It's terribly possible he's not actually online.

That, or you've ignored me for over eight hours while being online..... >.>
It's GREEN? I thought it'd be that white one.

The hell.

I'm logging out of Facebook now. Screw that shit then.

Okay. Fine. I won't hate him.... Yet.
*nods* I used to be able to tell if you were online by whether it was green or white, now... basically, I haven't a clue.

He might of course still be a prat, just it's possible that's not the case.
I just don't get it. They ban people without thinking twice, but you report a discussion, like they tell you to, and it never gets handled?

Well, just as long as the discussions weren't made by antis, they're safe. *gripegripegripegripe*
Don't get me started...

Ehmagawd, idea! You should mail me your other version of Sims. See, I let my friend borrow my old Sims 1 and she never gave it back. I'm having Sims withdrawal.
Songwriting software...? Interesting.


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